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This 18-gauge glove has recently been accepted into a Toyota service department in an assembly plant. They had a need for a general-purpose cut-resistant glove that was user friendly with electronic devices in general assembly. According to the specialist in safety, security and health: “They worked out perfectly for a handling project we had in our service parts area. We shared them with the contractors and they also like them. We will be getting in touch with our vendors, thank you!”
This 18-gauge glove has recently been accepted into a Toyota service department in an assembly plant. They had a need for a general-purpose cut-resistant glove that was user friendly with electronic devices in general assembly. According to the specialist in safety, security and health: “They worked out perfectly for a handling project we had in our service parts area. We shared them with the contractors and they also like them. We will be getting in touch with our vendors, thank you!”
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