Snow Depth Sensor SHM31

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The laser-based snow depth sensor Lufft SHM31 stands for millimeter-accurate snow level detection over long distances in all weather conditions without any maintenance, due to opto-electronic/laser based rangefinder technology.

Millimeter-accurate snow levels in all weather conditions: The SHM 31 operates with a visible, easy-to-measure measuring beam. The snow depth is given up to 15 meters within seconds, millimeter-accurate and reliable. Various heating functions significantly extend the lifetime of the laser diode and allow high-quality measurement data in all weather conditions. Regular maintenance becomes redundant with the SHM 31. A very robust housing and an elaborate operation principle allows almost no maintenance work throughout the lifetime of the sensor.

  • Snow depth
  • opto-electronic measuring technique (rangefinder; laser distance sensor) with eye-safe laser
  • Determination of snow depth over long distances, heating options allow high quality measurements in all weather conditions, simplified installation due to automatic inclination angle compensation
  • RS485 & RS232 with Modbus RTU, UMB, UMB-ASCII 2.0 & SDI12 protocol

The laser-based snow depth sensor Lufft SHM31 stands for millimeter-accurate snow level detection over long distances in all weather conditions without any maintenance, due to opto-electronic/laser based rangefinder technology.

Millimeter-accurate snow levels in all weather conditions: The SHM 31 operates with a visible, easy-to-measure measuring beam. The snow depth is given up to 15 meters within seconds, millimeter-accurate and reliable. Various heating functions significantly extend the lifetime of the laser diode and allow high-quality measurement data in all weather conditions. Regular maintenance becomes redundant with the SHM 31. A very robust housing and an elaborate operation principle allows almost no maintenance work throughout the lifetime of the sensor.

  • Snow depth
  • opto-electronic measuring technique (rangefinder; laser distance sensor) with eye-safe laser
  • Determination of snow depth over long distances, heating options allow high quality measurements in all weather conditions, simplified installation due to automatic inclination angle compensation
  • RS485 & RS232 with Modbus RTU, UMB, UMB-ASCII 2.0 & SDI12 protocol

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Snow Depth Sensor SHM31

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