Share’s hazard and compliance concerns with you and your team in real time so you can take action when seconds count.
- Comprehensive field manager, device assignment
- Real time location awareness
- Satellite and street view map options
- Real time alarm alerts about gas readings and other hazards, compliance alerts
- Associated worker phone number
- Individual or group evacuation control
- Exclusively for your ALTAIR 4XR, 5X AND io360 detectors
Contact: [email protected] for your free product demonstration
The Dräger X-dock® Manager keeps you informed about whether your existing Dräger gas detection devices are ready for use. It will also notify you when it is time for regular maintenance and keeps track of all testing, including results. It has never been easier to records and analyse statistical data, with the asset management software, you can be sure your fleet of devices is ready for optimal use!
Dräger X-dock test and calibration stations for mobile gas detectors can help ensure that devices are ready and safe to use. Worksite efficiency can be improved with the use of new software that allows centralised fleet management efforts.
Provides you with full control of your portable Dräger gas detection instruments. Automatic bump tests and calibrations with reduced test gas consumption and short testing times save time and money.
- As versatile as your requirements, the X-dock 5300 includes a master station including a module for a gas detection instrument from the X-am and Pac family. The X-dock 6300 and 6600 versions can be configured freely
- Easier to use than ever before
- More safety thanks to complete documentation
The software solution for the management of your Honeywell gas detector fleet.
- Allowing you to spend less time on administering your portable detector fleet
- Honeywell Safety Suite enables you to manage Honeywell portable gas detectors and docks with ease, including RAE and BW together for the first time
- It’s highly intuitive and user-friendly interface enables you to pull all the necessary data in an intelligent, effective and time saving way
- Data is encrypted, minimizing privacy threats
The most cost-effective way to manage the calibration and bump testing of Honeywell Analytics portable gas detectors.
- Quick and easy compliance – automatically maintain accurate records
- Automatic bump testing, calibration, record keeping and charging
- One base station with one AC outlet supports up to six modules to suit your application
- Verifies proper performance of detectors
- Reduces maintenance costs
- Device management with Honeywell Safety Suite
The IntelliDoX system combines smart docking modules and device management software to provide automated instrument management for Honeywell BW™ Solo, Honeywell BW™ Ultra, BW™ MaxXTII, BW™ Clip Series, Honeywell BW™ Clip4 and Honeywell BW™ MicroClip Series gas detectors – helping you drive productivity, reliability and efficiency.
- Enables bump test tracking, email notices and easy recordkeeping for improved compliance
- Performs the quickest bump test in the industry for increased uptime and no wasted calibration gas
- Enables the ability to change alarm set points, set a noncompliance indicator when a bump test is due, and adjust other parameters for maximum flexibility
Grid Fleet Manager is a web-based service to streamline your gas detection fleet management. It helps you regain control of your detection program so you can shift your focus to broader safety goals.
Assess, address and share your MSA fleet status all from your browser.
- Secure web based set up and access
- IT-free maintenance
- Incident and compliance awareness and reports
- Detector and test equipment management
- Works with MSA Detectors and Galaxy GX2 Test Banks
MSA GALAXY GX2 provides automated calibration of MSA ALTAIR Gas Detector fleet. The GALAXY GX2 Automated Test System provides simple, intelligent testing and calibration of MSA ALTAIR 4XR, MSA ALTAIR 5X / 5X PID / 5X IR and ALTAIR io360, multi gas detectors.
Compatible with MSA Safety IO, transform your detection programme from a headache into an empowering safety platform by combining MSA detectors, test equipment and support with insights from web-based Safety IO Grid Services, contact us for further information.