Immersion thermostats | KISS • Compatible Control

There is a universally usable screw clamp in the scope of delivery for the thermostats to be very easily mounted on any desired vessels. Negative temperatures of down to -30°C can be realised in combination with a a refrigerated bath. All models are fitted with a powerful pressure/suction pump and meet the requirements of Safety Class III (FL) for use with flammable fluids. A pump adapter for external temperature control and cooling coils for a cooling water connection can be obtained as accessories.

Bridge thermostats | Compatible Control

The variable speed pressure/suction pump with VPC Technology is ideal for external thermoregulation applications. Models with bigger heating capacities are suitable for larger baths. The telescopic arms can be extended up to 884 mm.

Bath thermostats | KISS • Compatible Control

The filling volumes of the baths range from 6 to 25 litres dependent on the model. The thermostats achieve a high temperature stability and are fitted with overtemperature and low level protection in line with Safety Class 3/FL according to DIN 12876. A powerful circulation pump ensures optimal stirring and temperature homogenity in the bath and also allows temperature control of externally attached applications using a pump adapter (accessory). Bath: A = Polycarbonate ; B = Stainless steel

Bath & circulation thermostats | KISS • Compatible Control

There is furthermore the option to insert objects like samples, sensors, etc. directly into the open thermostat bath. The devices are fitted with long-life bath vessels made out of high quality stainless steel and have pump connections on the rear as standard. All models are fitted with an overtemperature and low level protection system according to safety class III/FL (DIN 12876) for use with flammable fluids. A powerful pressure-suction pump ensures optimal heat transfer to external attached applications.

Visco baths | Compatible Control

The devices are fitted with transparent polycarbonate baths and have a cooling coil for countercooling as standard. Various functions can be activated via E-grade.

Circulation heat exchangers | HTS

These compact circulation coolers provide a cooling circuit with a stable pressure and delivery stream as well a precisely adjustable operating temperature. The cooling capacity is generated using a plate heat exchanger over the attached cooling water. Since there is no active chiller present the devices run quietly, in an energy saving manner, and represent an economic alternative to conventional chillers. HTS systems are suitable for exact temperature control of external applications such as Peltier elements, bioreactors, etc.

Cooling circulators | KISS • Ministat • Compatible Control

Huber Ministats are the smallest cooling circulator in the world. Their small dimensions allow Ministats to be placed in the smallest of spaces, for example in a laboratory fume cupboard or inside technical plant. Despite their minimal size the systems are extensively fitted out and offer sufficient performance for temperature control of photometers, refractometers, viscometers, distillation apparatus, reaction vessels and mini-plants. The main applications are using external applications however the bath opening allows objects to be thermoregulated directly in a thermostat bath. A powerful pressure/suction pump with an infinitely controlled rotational speed ensures optimal circulation. The maximum pressure can also be regulated by an optional pressure sensor, meaning that sensitive glass reactors and apparatus can reliably be protected from breakage. Additionally, Ministats offer the Pilot ONE controller as standard with a colour TFT display and comfortable operator guidance. Analogue connections according to NAMUR are available via the optional Com.G@te module allowing Ministats to integrate into plant and process control systems.


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