BradyPrinter i3300

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About Brady

It all began in 1914, when Will Brady founded the W.H. Brady Company, selling photographic calendars, elaborate colour displays for ice cream parlors and point-of-purchase displays.

The company has millions of customers in electronics, telecommunications, manufacturing, electrical, construction, education, medical, aerospace and a variety of other industries.

The headquarters is in Milwaukee and employs more than 6,400 people at operations in the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

The commitment to performance drives our business decisions every day. We design our products and solutions to perform in ways that others simply don’t. Our people perform in ways that regularly exceed expectations. And our focus and discipline as a company works toward solid, long-term performance for our customers and shareholders.

Brady help you create and maintain safer work environments and comply with regulatory standards. Our high-performance materials clearly identify products, components and other assets, even in the most extreme conditions.

Products include

  • High performance labels
  • Industrial label printers
  • Software
  • Safety & facility identification
  • Spill control
  • Lockout Tagout solutions

Industry expertise to support you

As world leader in identification solutions and workplace safety, Brady is a trusted long-term partner for many advanced industries and companies. We take pride in offering the best solutions possible, answering challenges set by industries, by the environment they operate in, or by legislative bodies.

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The BradyPrinter i3300 Industrial Label Printer is a completely hassle free, easy to use PC-based printer. It can print a full range of safety and facility labels and signs as well as die cut labels for wire identification, product identification and laboratory identification.

Features & Benefits:

Print a huge range of labels & signs

  • Highly versatile with over 50+ label materials compatible for wire & cable, product, laboratory, safety and facility identification.

Designed to last

  • Prints on reliable, industrial grade labels that last in challenging conditions. Technical Data Sheet available per label material.

Extremely easy to use

  • Thanks to auto-calibration, automatic label setup, 20 second material changeover, and full Brady Workstation app platform compatibility.
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BradyPrinter i3300

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